Rust Foreign data wrappers for postgres
In this blog post we will try to implement a foreign data wrappers for postgres in rust. We will build on top of pgx in order to not have to build everything from the ground. But first of what is a foreign data wrapper? From the postgres docs:
A foreign data wrapper is a library that can communicate with an external data source, hiding the details of connecting to the data source and obtaining data from it.
So to say it simple, a foreign data wrapper add functionality to access a external data source. This blog post will be based upon a implementation for CMU 15-721(not taking the course just doing it for fun), repo here.
Awesome Resources
Really good blog post that heavily inspired this one, FDW using c Postgres docs, great to add but not enough on its own for me Superbase wrappers, great to have a implementation to compare with and see the correct pgxr syntax Mapping of data types between rust and postgres
How does it really work.
The first step of a FDW is the control
file which describes the postgres extensions and metadata about it. Using pgrx this is created automatically. This will be loaded when we run CREATE EXTENSION db721_fdw
. A foreign data wrapper in postgres needs to have two things:
- A
, which will return a struct of function pointers that will implement the FDW api. These function pointers will then be used by postgres when executing the FDW. - A
, optional wich will be called with the options for validation.
The first step in understanding how the a FDW works is to look at the struct returned by the handler
, the definition can be found here. However most will not have to be implemented. We will in this case focuse on the following:
fdwroutine.GetForeignRelSize = Some(hello_get_foreign_rel_size);
fdwroutine.GetForeignPaths = Some(hello_get_foreign_paths);
fdwroutine.GetForeignPlan = Some(hello_get_foreign_plan);
fdwroutine.ExplainForeignScan = Some(hello_explain_foreign_scan);
fdwroutine.BeginForeignScan = Some(hello_begin_foreign_scan);
fdwroutine.IterateForeignScan = Some(hello_iterate_foreign_scan);
fdwroutine.ReScanForeignScan = Some(hello_re_scan_foreign_scan);
fdwroutine.EndForeignScan = Some(hello_end_foreign_scan);
fdwroutine.AnalyzeForeignTable = Some(hello_analyze_foreign_table);
the next part of the implementation will be broken up based upon the path of a query in postgres. The steps a query has to pass to obtain results in postgres(FDW also obey to this):
- Connection from an application program to the Postgres server. A query is transmitted to the sever and waits for a results to be sent back by the server.
- Syntax is checked byt the parser and creates a query tree.
- The rewrite system looks for rules to apply to the query tree. One examples is this it the realization of views. A query against a view is converted to a query against the based table based upon the view definition.
- The planner/Optimizer takes the query tree and creates a query plan base upon which the execution will be made.
- The executor recursively goes through the plan tree and retrieve the rows represented by the plan.
Path and plans
The planing phase for a FDW consists of GetForeignRelSize
, GetForeignPaths
and GetForeignPlan
and is executed in that order. The purpose of each step is the following:
- GetForeignRelSize should update the baserel rows and potentially also width. This will later be used by the optimizer. If not the correct values are set it could lead to potential miss optimization. This is also the place where we will handle the FDW options. In order to send information to the next step of the planing we will store the information inside
ForeignScan node
using thevoid *fdw_private
that is provided by postgres.fdw_private
will not be touched by anything else and is it is free to store anything of interest within it. - GetForeignPaths describes the paths to access the data. In our case there will only be one. Each paths should include a cost estimate. This will be used by the optimizer to find the optimal path. This is set on the
. - GetForeignPlan ir responsible for creating a
ForeignScan *
for the givenForeignPath *
. As input the optimizer has selected the best access path(in our case there will only be one). Here we will also be able to pass information on to the next group of steps of the processing, [Begin, Iterate, End](# Begin, Iterate, End) where we will execute the plan, using thevoid *fdw_state
. Howevervoid *fdw_state
is a list so if the information fromvoid *fdw_private
should be propagate id needs to be reformated.
Begin, Iterate, End
When a plan is created the next step is to execute on the plan, this happens in three steps
- BeginForeignScan should do any initialization that is needed before the scan. Information from the planing state can be accessed through
and the underlyingForeignScan
which containsfdw_private
which is provided through the previous planing and specificallyGetForeignPlan
. To pass information further thefdw_state
on theForeignScanState
can be used. - IterateForeignScan should fetch one row(only), if all data is returned NULL should be returned marking the end.
should be used for the data return. Either a physical or virtual tuple should be returned. The rows returned must match the table definition of the FDW table. -EndForeignScan end the scan and release resources. It is normally not important to release palloc’d memory, but for example open files and connections to remote servers should be cleaned up.
FDW options
When creating a FDW table there is a possibility to add some options. This will be utalised in our case to know where the file where the information is stored.
Walk over the implementation.
The first step in building the FDW is to create the handler function.
unsafe fn db721_fdw_handler() -> fdw_handler {
debug1!("HelloFdw: hello_fdw_handler");
let mut fdwroutine =
// Set callback functions.
fdwroutine.GetForeignRelSize = Some(get_foreign_rel_size);
fdwroutine.GetForeignPaths = Some(get_foreign_paths);
fdwroutine.GetForeignPlan = Some(get_foreign_plan);
fdwroutine.ExplainForeignScan = Some(explain_foreign_scan);
fdwroutine.BeginForeignScan = Some(begin_foreign_scan);
fdwroutine.IterateForeignScan = Some(iterate_foreign_scan);
fdwroutine.ReScanForeignScan = Some(re_scan_foreign_scan);
fdwroutine.EndForeignScan = Some(end_foreign_scan);
fdwroutine.AnalyzeForeignTable = Some(analyze_foreign_table);
As we can notice it is marked with #[pg_extern]
which is a attribute marco from the pgxr
crate for wrapping rust functions with boiler plate for defining and calling conventions between Postgres and Rust.
The function fdw_handler
struct has the postgres hooks that are options
with the defualt is None(Null in Postgres). The next step is to implement these functions one by one. Going down this rabbit hole myself I hope to cover the things I struggled with, both in terms of just getting it to work but also small key points of how postgres works.
Going over the implementation in the order of execution the first step is to implement the GetForeignRelSize
unsafe extern "C" fn get_foreign_rel_size(
root: *mut pg_sys::PlannerInfo,
baserel: *mut pg_sys::RelOptInfo,
foreigntableid: pg_sys::Oid,
) {
As mentioned above, the key goal for GetForeignRelSize
is to set the nbr of rows(and potentially width) for the optimizer as well as handle the options. However in this first optimization(later blog post will dive down and try to optimize it). We will just set the nbr of rows to 10(arbitrary low nbr).
Postgres offers the possibility to send information between the hooks using the fdw_private
. We will use this to store the information, during GetForeignRelSize
we will extract the following and store:
- selected columns
- conditions of the query
- options
The first step is to create the state where we can store the information usingPgBox
which is a heap-allocated pointer that is allocated by Postgres’s memory allocation function.
let mut state = pgrx::PgBox::<FdwState>::alloc0();
The state is a rust struct of the FdwState
which is defined for our use case as:
pub struct FdwState {
rownum: usize,
opts: HashMap<String, String>,
metadata: Option<Metadata>,
filters: HashMap<String, Filter>,
nulls: Vec<Vec<bool>>,
tmp_ctx: PgMemoryContexts,
cols: Vec<ColumnMetadada>,
tuples: Vec<Vec<Cell>>,
natts: usize,
Some of these fields might not make sense now but will(hopefully) when we go over the different part of the FDW implementation. You are free to add anything of interest or needed for your wrapper. The extracted values(selected columns, conditions, options) are stored in the state
state.cols = cols;
state.opts = ret;
state.filters = filters;
(*baserel).fdw_private = state.into_pg() as *mut std::ffi::c_void;
When done with the GetForeignRelSize
the next step is to continue with the GetForeignPaths
. We will not spend to much focuse on GetForeignPaths
since we only have one execution path and thus will just return one plan. Similar for GetForeignPlan
we will just generate one plan. If several plans where available the optimizer would select the one with the lowest cost, however since we only have one it does not matter to much. ExplainForeignScan
is also a dummy implementation that is left for future work. The next step of importance is the BeginForeignScan
which should perform any initialization needed before the scan can start, but not start executing the actual scan(this should be done during the first call to the next step, IterateForeignScan
). One of the key things we will do during the BeginForeignScan
is to forward the information from the planing steps to the execution steps. Where the information we set in GetForeignRelSize
in fdw_private
is extracted from the ForeignScanState
and the actual plan to a new PgBox
that is stored in side the fdw_state
. This actually took some time for me to get my head around mostly due to mixing up the fdw_private
for the plan with the fdw_state
of the ForeignScan
. However it is just postgres internal how information is passed between the different steps, and we will use the same data type(FdwState
) to hold the information. The key part of the implementation is:
unsafe extern "C" fn begin_foreign_scan(
node: *mut pg_sys::ForeignScanState,
eflags: ::std::os::raw::c_int,
) {
// We get the state from the plan and convert it to.
// First we can get the scan state.
let scan_state = (*node).ss;
let plan = as *mut pg_sys::ForeignScan;
let list = PgList::<pg_sys::Const>::from_pg((*plan).fdw_private );
let cst = list.head().unwrap();
let ptr = i64::from_datum((*cst).constvalue, (*cst).constisnull).unwrap();
let mut state:PgBox::<FdwState> = PgBox::from_pg(ptr as _);
// Save the state
(*node).fdw_state = state.into_pg() as *mut std::ffi::c_void;
The most important part of the FDW and the meat of the implementation(at least for this implementation) is the IterateForeignScan
where we will read the actual data. IterateForeignScan
is invocated each until a null row is returned indicating that all rows are fetched. This is handled by checking the current row number which is increase for each iteration, checking with the total nbr of rows.
unsafe extern "C" fn iterate_foreign_scan(
node: *mut pg_sys::ForeignScanState,
) -> *mut pg_sys::TupleTableSlot {
let mut state: PgBox<FdwState> = PgBox::<FdwState>::from_pg((*node).fdw_state as _);
if (*state).rownum >= (*state).tuples.len() { //
return slot;
. The first invocation will in our implementation fetch all the data and store it returning a new row for each iteration.
unsafe extern "C" fn iterate_foreign_scan(
node: *mut pg_sys::ForeignScanState,
) -> *mut pg_sys::TupleTableSlot {
let mut state: PgBox<FdwState> = PgBox::<FdwState>::from_pg((*node).fdw_state as _);
if (*state).rownum == 0 {
let meta = (*state).metadata.clone().unwrap();
let filters = &(*state).filters;
let data = meta.fetch_data(filters.clone(), &state.cols);
let (values, mask) = meta.tuples(&data, (*state).cols.clone(), state.natts);
(*state).tuples = values;
(*state).nulls = mask;
As describe a new row is returned for each invocation, null values are marked using the tts_isnull
state on the TupleTableSlot
that is returned.
unsafe extern "C" fn iterate_foreign_scan(
node: *mut pg_sys::ForeignScanState,
) -> *mut pg_sys::TupleTableSlot {
let slot = (*node).ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot;
let idx = (*state).rownum.clone();
let mut row:Vec<Datum> = (*state).tuples[idx].iter().map(|val| val.clone().into_datum().unwrap()).collect();
(*slot).tts_values = row.as_mut_ptr();
(*slot).tts_isnull = (*state).nulls[idx].as_mut_ptr();
state.rownum += 1;
return slot
The main logic in reading the data comes down to parsing the data format, however this is not relevant for implementing a FDW in general and we will not deep dive in to this in this blog post, however there will be a follow up where we try to optimize the code and will take a closer look. ReScanForeignScan
restart the scan from the beginning and we thus need to se the row nbr to 0 again. AnalyzeForeignTable
is set to just return false since we will not return any statistics for the FDW at this stage(could also be left to false.)
Whats next
In a follow up blog post we will continue working on the FDW in order to optimize it and see if we can make it go fast! Happy coding and good luck implementing your FDW in rust!