How to set up Neon, serverless postgres on k8s
All the code can be found here
In this blog post we will dive in to how to set up neon on your k8s cluster. We will use Minikube but feel free to use the setup of your choice of k8s. The first step is to define the k8s resources. In this case we will take a short cut and start of with generating them from the docker compose files used for testing. For this we will use kompsoe from the compose directory:
kompose --file docker-compose.yml convert
This is a great start but sadly it will not be a one hit wonder. First of all we need to understand a bit more what the docker compose set up is actually doing(in order to understand how neon works) and specifically the scripts inside /docker-compose/compute_wrapper. The script shell/
tells most of the story:
set -eux
# Generate a random tenant or timeline ID
# Takes a variable name as argument. The result is stored in that variable.
generate_id() {
local -n resvar=$1
printf -v resvar '%08x%08x%08x%08x' $SRANDOM $SRANDOM $SRANDOM $SRANDOM
echo "Waiting pageserver become ready."
while ! nc -z pageserver 6400; do
sleep 1;
echo "Page server is ready."
echo "Create a tenant and timeline"
generate_id tenant_id
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d "{\"new_tenant_id\": \"${tenant_id}\"}"
result=$(curl "${PARAMS[@]}")
echo $result | jq .
generate_id timeline_id
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d "{\"new_timeline_id\": \"${timeline_id}\", \"pg_version\": ${PG_VERSION}}"
result=$(curl "${PARAMS[@]}")
echo $result | jq .
echo "Overwrite tenant id and timeline id in spec file"
sed "s/TENANT_ID/${tenant_id}/" ${SPEC_FILE_ORG} > ${SPEC_FILE}
sed -i "s/TIMELINE_ID/${timeline_id}/" ${SPEC_FILE}
cat ${SPEC_FILE}
echo "Start compute node"
/usr/local/bin/compute_ctl --pgdata /var/db/postgres/compute \
-C "postgresql://cloud_admin@localhost:55433/postgres" \
-b /usr/local/bin/postgres \
To summarize what is happening here is that we do the following:
- We create a tenant, user, company, customer this is a unique database.
- We create a timeline for the user.
- We update the spec file that will be sent to the compute node in order for it to start up.
These are steps that normally would not be part fo the compute node but an orchestering layer however since the docker-compose files describe the test step this kind of make sens but is not what we want do do.
Since I have worked on this project from time to time, i dont know exactly how I changed the k8s resouce but of course leave them in the repo so you can check the diffs if you like to.
Next we need a k8s cluster, we will use minikbue and thus:
minkube start
Something that was really tricky to figure out and that took me a long time to understand is how the communication actually works between the service and why it did not work out for me initially and it seems like the pageserver tried to reach the safekeeper over localhost( From the neon Neon architecture blog post the architecture is described as:
however one pod that is used in the docker-compose files are not in the diagram, the storage-broker. The storage broker turns out to play an important role. From the docs we can understand that the storage broker helps the safekeepers and pageservers learn which nodes also hold their timelines, and timeline statuses there. However the information is based upon the --listen-pg
and --listen-http
however these are assumed to be localhost in order to handled this the --advertise-pg
allows for adding the information what the address should be when we use a service like k8s to run it.
Check out that nothing is running(at least not something you don’t like running) using kubetl get pods --all-namespaces
. The nest step is to deploy the resouces:
kubectl apply -f
After that we need to start do set up. Part of the docker-compose set up is also to create the bucket which we will use to backup our data. This step was done automatic here we will instead do this through the UI. To do this we need to port-forward and login to minio(user: minio, password: password is the default in the setup).
kubectl port-forward svc/minio 9001:9001
Then you can just jump to local host and login and create the bucket minio
. Next step is to create the tenant
and the tenantid
to do this we need to comunnicate to the pageserver
which we will do port-forwarding again:
kubectl port-forward svc/pageserver 9898:9898
I will create the tenant: and timeline: but replace with what ever you like, however REMEMBER to update the spec.json that you will later use in the compute node
curl -v -sb -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"new_tenant_id": "de200bd42b49cc1814412c7e592dd6e9"}' http://localhost:9898/v1/tenant/
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"new_timeline_id": "de200bd42b49cc1814412c7e592dd6e7"}' http://localhost:9898/v1/tenant/de200bd42b49cc1814412c7e592dd6e9/timeline/
We are now ready to start the compute node, I will build the spec.json
file into the container but that is completely up to you how you like to do it!
docker build -t compute -f Dockerfile .
If you do this in any otherway remember to updat the k8s resource with the correct container. To allow minikube to find the container is use:
eval $(minikube docker-env)
The way i set it up now is so the compute container will busy wait in order to not die.
kubectl exec -it $YOUR_COMPUTE_NODE -- /bin/bash
this step can of course be replaced with just having the correct cmd/args but since I had to hack around to get it to work this was the easiest for me.
compute_ctl --pgdata /var/db/postgres/compute \
-C "postgresql://cloud_admin@localhost:55433/postgres" \
-b /usr/local/bin/postgres \
-S spec.json
Now you should be ready to connect to your postgres instance, to do it port-forward the compute node
kubectl port-forward compute-5dc56c7fd9-7cs94 55433:55433
and then use psql:
psql -p55432 -h -U cloud_admin postgres
Also listening to some of the neon talks it is not clear or not if the compute nodes are running in k8s or as VM:s.
Happy coding!!!!