Go compiler optimizations

This is based upon the new feature released in go v1.20 where the compiler can optimize using a pprof file. In order to run the pprof we will use flags: flag.Parse() if *cpuprofile != "" { f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } pprof.StartCPUProfile(f) defer pprof.StopCPUProfile() } more info can be found here. In order to run the profiling use the following command: go run main.go -cpuprofile=prof.…
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Shinylive app with hugo

Shinylive app with hugo This blog post is based upon RamiKrispin/shinylive where we will take a look in to using Shiny with python and leveraging WebAssembly to let it run in the browser with out a backend. This allows for interactive static webpages. In order to add the a shiny app it needs to be deployed, in this case that is handled through github pages and lives within https://github.com/NikeNano/shinylive. The second step is to add the iframe:…
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Prompt engineering

Prompt engineering With the rise of GPT-3 and Stable diffusion the concpet of promt engineering has gain more and more traction. According to wikipedia the task can be described as Prompt engineering typically works by converting one or more tasks to a prompt-based dataset and training a language model with what has been called “prompt-based learning” or just “prompt learning” Wikipedia Prompts are inputs for models that expect text as input however the output can very most famously images or text.…
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Trition with post and pre processing

This is based upon this repo In this blog post we will dig down in to how a Machine Learning(ML) model can be combined with pre and post processing steps using Nvidia triton. By combining the pre- and post processing the user can make a single call using GPRC or http. It should be noted that we in reality will not merge these processing steps in any way but link the calls together using Tritons ensemble functionality Triton support multiple different backends(processing functionality) and in this case we will use the tensorRT backend for the model serving and the python backend to add the pre and post processing business logic.…
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Welcome to the Blog

“Yeah It’s on. ” Hello World! …
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Poor mans datalake layout: post title: “Poor mans datalake” subtitle: “DuckDb” date: 2023-02-01 author: “Niklas Hansson” URL: “/2023/02/01/Trition_with_post_and_pre_processing/” This post is a deep dive playing with DuckDB doing a twist on Build a poor man’s data lake from scratch with DuckDB where we will do the following changes: Use Minio instead of S3 DBT instead of dagster. We will host it on Kubernetes and set it up so it all run locally.…
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